Immanuel Women's Retreat: Chosen

Event Info April 5, 2025 8:30 AM (CDT)

214 W 5th St Washington, MO 63090 Get Directions

Come Join Us For Our Annual Women's Retreat featuring writer and speaker Donna Snow!

Enjoy Bible Study, fellowship with sisters in Christ, and service projects!

Breakout Sessions Offered: 

1. Digging Deeper Into Esther Led by Donna Snow: The providence of God is crystal clear in the book of Esther. Let's dive in deeper to see God's hand in her situation and the Gospel clearly displayed in rescuing God's people from genocide.

2. Unlikely Heroes - The Five Women Named in Jesus' Genealogy Led by Molly Beers: This breakout session reflects on the five women mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1:1-16—Tamar, Rahab, Bathsheba, Ruth, and Mary—and explores their unlikely roles in God’s redemptive plan. Despite their diverse backgrounds, including scandal, sin, and suffering, each woman’s story highlights God's ability to work through imperfect and unexpected circumstances. Tamar’s bold action, Rahab’s faith, Bathsheba’s redemption, Ruth’s loyalty, and Mary’s submission all reveal that God uses those whom the world might overlook to accomplish His will. This session encourages believers to trust in God’s faithfulness and embrace their calling, knowing that God can use them, regardless of their past or limitations.

3. Compassion - Are We an Asset or a Liability? Led by Pam Steffens: Have you ever said or done the wrong thing at the wrong time? I know I have. The words or actions we use in our attempt to help hurting people may unintentionally add to their burdens instead of easing their pain. During this session we will discuss Jesus’ command to be compassionate and loving and look at practical examples and specific suggestions about what to say or do—and what not to say and do.

4. Fixin' to Get Ready: Preparing Yourself to Use Your Gifts Led by Katie Walker: Since we often hear about using the gifts God has given us (several ladies have excellent things to share today from that perspective!), in this session we’ll have a discussion about cultivating readiness to use those gifts. We’ll discuss getting to know God better, including having a better grasp on our identity in Him. We’ll talk about calming the chatter (internal and external) so we can better discern and make mindful choices about activities in our lives. Creating regular routines of work and refreshment will set us up (in a good way!) to be good stewards of His gifts.

5. Let Everything That Has Breath, Praise the Lord! Led by LuAnn Galucia: God himself speaks to us through the music and lyrics in hymns. God’s presence raises our eyes and opens our hearts to the wonders of His love for us. The great hymns of the Christian faith communicate the truths of Scripture in singable form. Come sing and learn about the hymn writers who have served God and the church with their talents.

6. Vocations: Channels of God’s Love Led by Deaconess Kelly Hardt (offered morning only): What are the callings God has given you? How can you find value and joy even in the ordinary tasks of daily life? In this session, we will explore how God is at work caring for His people through the vocations He has given to us and to those around us, and discuss how we serve God by serving our neighbor.